University of Virginia Library

April 27-May 3

On Wednesday, we go over to town to see the corner stone of the new Presbyterian Church laid. A great day and one that will long "be green in the memory" of the good people of Charlottesville. After the ceremony of laying the stone and two addresses were delivered in the Baptist Church, the Masonic fraternity formed into a very long procession and paraded the streets decked out in all their finery; purple and gold, long blue sashes, white aprons (very much like children when going to dinner), carrying long poles, swords, goblets, candles and blocks of wood. They then proceeded to the Town Hall where a dinner [was] in readiness for them. Whitehead and Terril call in the evening; also our Orange friend, William Williams. I'm so put out by that pigmy Terril. Go to a supper at the Town Hall. Am escorted by Terril. A beautiful present from Dr. Lea, my brother-in-law. Wrote to S. Williamson. Hope she will make all clear.