University of Virginia Library

Nov. 23-29

Hear Mr. H.B. Scott, a returned Missionary from Africa, preach in the morning ....Go again at night to the Baptist church and hear a sermon ....Sunday night was spent with Sister Betty who is poorly. Get home early Monday morning and find Jack missing. Jack came back late Monday night and the whole family rejoices with me. Henry is very poorly, comes to us to recoup for a few days .... Hear Brother Peter has been elected by a handsome majority. [Louisa's brother, Nicholas Peter Minor was Judge of Probate Court of Pike County, Missouri.] Henry does not get off until Wednesday. Bob Lewis with us Saturday night. Am invited to Lucy Southall's (now Mrs. Sharps) reception on Saturday evening. Have to decline as we have no dresses. A nice letter from Miss V. Hear Prissie [Macmurdo Pemberton] has a son; presume it is several weeks old by now.