University of Virginia Library


By investigating the will of Heaven and controlling the workings
of the mind, by putting in order likes and dislikes and making
emotions and one's own nature agree, control of the True Way
is achieved. By investigating the Will of Heaven, one avoids
being confused about disaster and good fortune. When one is not
confused about disaster and good fortune, activity accords with
reason.[2] When one controls the workings of the mind, one is
not happy or angry without cause. When one is not happy or


angry without cause, in rewards and punishments there is no
favoritism. When likes and dislikes are put in order, one does not
covet what is useless. When what is useless is not coveted, one
does not do violence to one's nature through attachment to
things.[3] When the emotions and one's own nature are made to
agree, desires do not exceed proper limits. When desires do not
exceed proper limits,[4] one's own nature is nourished and one
knows enough to be content. These four are not to be sought
outside, nor are they to be derived from another. Turn to yourself
for them and there they are. Such a man is one to delight
others (?).[5] His very aspect is that of jên and i; his acts are law
and order.

The Ode says,[6]

In hewing an axe handle, in hewing an axe handle,
The pattern is not far off.

Wên-tzŭ 4.4b; Huai-nan tzŭ 14.2a.


[OMITTED]: Chih-yao 8.22a has [OMITTED] after [OMITTED]. Huai-nan tzŭ has [OMITTED], and Wên-tzŭ
[OMITTED] Chao (66) thinks [OMITTED] is a mistake for [OMITTED] (cf. HSWC 2/6, note 6),
and [OMITTED] should be added from Chih-yao to complete the sense.


[OMITTED] "the nature of things is not injured." Chao would follow Chih-yao
8.22b: [OMITTED], and so in my translation. Huai-nan tzŭ has [OMITTED]
(Wên-tzŭ omits [OMITTED]).


[OMITTED] . . . "there are no excessive desires; when there are no
excessive desires. . . ." In the translation I follow Chih-yao, loc. cit.: [OMITTED].
[OMITTED] . . . Huai-nan tzŭ is the same; likewise Wên-tzŭ, except [OMITTED] for [OMITTED].
(Chao 70.)


[OMITTED]: this is not clear.


Shih 240 No. 158/2.