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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dr Sir,—I have your favor of the 5th. instant by
the post. Col. Harrison arrived here yesterday, and
as he mentions no circumstance which indicated an
intended departure of the Enemy I am afraid your
intelligence on that subject was not well founded.
Immediately on the receipt of your former letter
relating to an exchange of C. Taylor I applied to the
Admiralty department, and if such a step can be
brought about with propriety, I hope he will be gratified,
but considering the tenor of their treatment of
naval prisoners, and the resolutions with which it has
inspired Congress, I do not think it probable that
exchanges will go on easily, and if this were less the
case, a mere passenger, under the indulgence too of a
parole, can scarcely hope to be preferred to such as
are suffering the utmost hardships and even made
prisoners in public service.

A vessel arrived here a few days ago from Cadiz
which brings letters of as late date as the last of Dec.
Those that are official tell us that England is making


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the most strenuous exertions for the current year, &
that she is likely to be but too successful in the great
article of money. The Parliament have voted 32,000
seamen, and a considerable land reinforcement for
their Southern army in America is sd. to be in preparation.
Private letters by the same conveyance
mention that the blockage of Gibraltar is going on
with alacrity, and that the garrison is in such distress
as flatters the hope of a speedy capitulation.

If Mr. Pendleton your nephew is still with you be
pleased to return him my compliments.

With great respect I am, etc.