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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 125



Dear Sir,—I have nothing new this week for you
but two reports: the first is that very great discontents
prevail in N. York among the German Troops
for causes pretty similar to those which produced the
eruption in the Pennsylvania line. It is further said
on this head that a party of 200 have deserted from
Long Island & gone to Rhode Island. The other
report is that the British minister either has or proposes
to carry a bill into Parliamt. authorizing the
Commanding officer in America to permit & promote
a trade with us in British Goods of every kind except
Linens & Woollens. This change of system is said
to be the advice of some notable refugees, with a view
to revive an intercourse as far as possible between
the two countries, & particularly to check the habit
that is taking place in the consumption of French
Manufactures. Whatever their public views may be
it is certain that such a plan would open fine prospects
to them in a private view.

We have recd. no fresh or certain information of the
designs of F. and Spain in assembling so great a force
at Cadiz. There does not appear to be any object in
that Quarter except Gibraltar. Should the attempts be
renewed agst. that place, it will prove that the former
has not that absolute sway in the Cabinet of the latter
which has been generally imagined. Nothing would
have prevailed on the French to recall their fleets from
the Islands at the time they did but the necessity of
humouring Spain on the subject of her hobby horse.


Page 126

I am glad to hear that Arnold has been at last fired
at. It sounded a little unfavorably for us in the ears
of the people here that he was likely to get off without
that proof of a hostile reception. If he ventures
an irruption in any other quarter I hope he will be
made sensible that his impunity on James River was
owing to the suddenness of his appearance & not to
the want of spirit in the people.

I am, etc.