University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Philosophy C1: The History of Philosophy: Two of the following
courses prerequisite: Philosophy B1, B2, B3, B4.
—The lectures trace the development
of philosophical thought from the early Greeks to the middle of the nineteenth
century. The endeavor is made to present the various philosophical systems
in their relation to the civilization of the age to which they belong, and to
estimate their social and political significance.—Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
10-11. Peabody Hall, Room 3. Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy C2: Psychology: Two of the following courses prerequisite:
Philosophy B1, B2, B3, B4.
—A brief survey of the principles of general psychology,
followed by a study of the psychology of group living, with special
reference to instinct and emotion, the sentiments, the psychology of the crowd,
the genesis and growth of social institutions, etc.—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
9-10. Peabody Hall, Basement Room 1. Associate Professor Balz.

Philosophy C3: Recent Philosophical Tendencies: Open to students
who have taken or are taking Philosophy C1.
—First term: A discussion of
certain problems of philosophy as an introduction to the work of the succeeding
terms. Second and third terms: The principal movements in philosophy since
Hegel, with special reference to the philosophies of Schopenhauer, Spencer,
Nietzsche, Bradley, Royce, Eucken, James, and Bergson.—Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday, 10-11. Peabody Hall, Basement Room 1. Associate Professor Balz.