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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by Mrs. Keeley, Mrs. Fitzwilliam, Miss Vincent, &c. with unbounded applause. Vide Royal Declaration to the Privy Council, 1839. Arranged by the Author to a Favourite Air of Millico.

Maidens, maidens! haste and get married,
Hymen's in fashion—he's coming to Court
Soon you will think that too long you have tarried,
Is it not leap year? At nothing stop short.
Crown then your wishes—stay not for majority
Pop the question at once, if you feel Cupid's dart:
Be ‘loving Subjects’—you've Royal Authority!
Own the empire of passion and reign in the heart!
Maidens, maidens &c.


Think for yourselves, girls—your friends and relations
Make Privy Counsellors—tell them your mind—
Do as your Queen's done—whatever their stations,
Boldly declare you're for wedlock inclin'd!
Whatever dull Parties say to the contrary,
Make the youth of your fancy the Prince of your choice—
To wed's Constitutional—maids, then, don't tarry,
Uphold your just rights, 'twill the nation rejoice.
Maidens, maidens, &c.
Plainly tell them, if they should kick up any clatter—
Evince opposition—your wishes condemn—
That, as bound, you have duly considered the matter,
And think 'twill be best both for you and for them.
That you've no doubt at all, if the fates are propitious,
Your own private happiness it will secure—
Your domestic enjoyments make doubly delicious,
And be very grateful to them, you are sure!
Maidens, maidens, &c.
Tell them you thought fit to acquaint them all early,
That none may say they've taken been by surprise—
And doubt not, like our Queen, whom we prize so sincerely,
That to all ‘loving subjects’ 'twill seem very wise.
Do this girls, at once—to young Cupid sing “Gloria!”
And make up your minds to ‘Obey, Honour, Love!’
Every maiden will then be as blest as Victoria,
While each chosen youth a Prince Albert will prove.
Maidens, maidens, &c.