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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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Another point of agreement between the Plan of St. Gall
and a specific ruling of Aachen is to be found in the
establishment of special quarters for visiting monks.
Chapter 24 of the second synod rules, "that a dormitory
shall be erected by the side of the church where the
visiting monks may sleep."[146] This regulation is new, as it
was not included in the Rule of St. Benedict, who, in an
entire chapter devoted to the question, "How pilgrim
monks are to be received" (De monachis peregrinis, qualiter
), did not make the slightest reference to special
lodgings for visiting monks.[147] On the Plan of St. Gall the
Lodging for Visiting Monks is shown as a separate apartment,
addorsed to the northern wall of the church in the
immediate vicinity of the transept.[148]


"Ut dormitorium iuxta oratorium constituatur ubi superuenientes
monachi dormiant
" (Synodi secundae decr. auth., chap. 24; ibid., 478).


Benedicti regula, chap. 61; ed. Hanslik, 1960, 141-43; ed. McCann,
1952, 138-41; ed. Steidle, 1952, 300-302.


See II, 140ff.