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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Since my last acknowledgment of your letters I have received
those of

I enclose herewith several correspondences with Mr. Merry,
Mr. Pichon and the Mayor and Marshal of New York, on
certain proceedings of the British frigates Cambrian and
Boston, and the sloop of war Driver within and without the
harbour of New York. Copies of the documents attached
to these correspondences are also enclosed, and therewith a
protest stating a subsequent irregularity of a strong complexion
committed by the Cambrian on several passengers
in an American vessel just before her arrival within the
harbour of New York.

No answer having been yet received from Mr. Merry to the
two last letters from the Department, I cannot pronounce
with certainty on the degree of interposition, which he will
employ on the occasion. It cannot be doubted, that he will
transmit the case to this Government and it is to be hoped
that he will place it in a light favorable to a proper result.
It is not the less proper, however, that the sentiments and


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expectations of this Government should be spoken thro' the
Organ of the United States at London, and the President
accordingly charges you to make the case, as you will collect
it in all its features and colours from the papers above referred
to, the subject of a strong tho' temperate representation.
It is but justice to the British Government to suppose that
it will be struck with the series of enormities which have
been committed by its officers against the unquestionable
and essential rights of a friendly nation; and will be not only
ready to disavow them, but to render all the satisfaction which
is due to the United States. In this view it is particularly
proper that the appeal to its justice should be in a spirit,
temperate, respectful and friendly. On the other hand it is
not less due to the United States and to the universal sensibility,
which has been excited by the complicated and violent
insults received, that the complaint should be presented in
its true character, and the claim of ample satisfaction be
expressed in terms of becoming dignity and energy. It is
the more necessary that this tone should be given to the
representation as in several preceding instances of great
offence to the national rights and honor, the result of the best
founded representations has so little corresponded with our
just expectations. The documents of which copies are also
inclosed will explain two instances, in one of which one of the
frigates in question, the Boston, was the aggressor. The
least that can be required in the present instance is that those
who have so grossly violated our laws, and eluded the punishment
of their guilt, should either be given up to the authority
of the United States, or receive from their own Government
a punishment which will have the same salutary effect: and
the least punishment that can be relied on for the purpose,
is that of a bona fide and permanent degradation of the offenders
from every public honor or authority. It must be
understood that a dismission from their particular offices,
accompanied with a translation to any others, as, it is said,
has sometimes been done, will not be considered as either just


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or candid; and the British Government must also understand,
as indeed has been sufficiently intimated to Mr. Merry, that
a refusal or failure to make on this occasion, so reasonable
an amends to the United States for the outrages offered to
them, must be followed by precautions, which, however
disagreeable or inconvenient cannot be either blamed or
wondered at by those on whom the necessity of them is

With these observations the whole subject is committed
to your prudent attention; on which the President relies with
full confidence for an effectual pursuit of the object of your
Government, and a dignified vindication of the rights of your

Your answer to the circular communication of Lord Hawksbury
was a very proper one. If the lapse of time or other
circumstances should render unnecessary any thing further
on the part of this Government, it may be best to let the
subject remain in silence. Should the omission of a formal
reply, be likely to be received as disrespectful, or to be in any
degree injurious to subsisting relations, the President authorizes
you to assure the British Government that the communication
has been received with that sincere and just
interest which the United States takes in whatever concerns
the British nation, and that the communication, considered
as the effect of an honourable solicitude in the British
Government to maintain the esteem and confidence of
neutral and friendly nations, affords an occasion, of which
this Government avails itself with satisfaction, for expressing
the unremitted disposition of the United States to
cherish all the relations which happily subsist between the
two nations; sincerely regretting at the same time every
indication of new sources of animosity in addition to the
spirit of hostility so unhappily prevailing between Great
Britain and France.

I enclose an extract of the instructions to Genl. Armstrong
who goes as Successor to Mr. Livingston, containing the


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reply authorized to be given to the French Communication.
He expects to embark in a few days.

I remain Sir &c