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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Since the instructions given you on the 15th of April last,
further views have been obtained with respect to the interior
of Louisiana, and the value which Spain will probably put
on such a limitation of our settlements beyond the Mississippi
as will keep them for some time at a distance from hers. The
President has accordingly become the more anxious that in
the adjustment authorized by those instructions the terms
may be made favorable to the United States. He does not
indeed absolutely restrain you from yielding to the Ultimatum
therein fixt, in case it be required by the inflexibility of the
Spanish Government and particularly by the posture and
prospect of affairs in Europe. But he is not a little averse
to the occlusion for a very long period of a very wide space
of territory westward of the Mississippi; & equally so to a perpetual
relinquishment of any territory whatever Eastward
of the Rio Bravo. If this river could be made the limit to


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the Spanish settlements and the river Colorado the limit to
which those of the United States may be extended; and if a
line North West or West from the source of whatever river
may be taken for the limit of our settlements, could be substituted
for the ultimatum line running from the source
of the Sabine to the junction of the Osages with the Missouri
and thence Northward parallel with the Mississippi, the interval
to be unsettled for a term of years would be defined in
a manner peculiarly satisfactory. The degree however in
which you are to insist on these meliorations of the arrangement
must be regulated by your discretion and by the effect
which the probable course of events will have on the temper
and policy of Spain. Should she be engaged in the War, or
manifestly threatened with that situation, she cannot fail
to be the more anxious for a solid accommodation on all
points with the United States; and the more willing to yield
for that purpose to terms, which, however, proper in themselves
might otherwise be rejected by her pride and misapplied
jealousy. According to the latest accounts from Great
Britain a revolution in the Ministry if not a change on the
throne was daily expected, and from either of those events,
an extension of the war to Spain, if not precluded by the less
probable event of a speedy peace with France would be a very
natural consequence. It is to be understood that a perpetual
relinquishment of the Territory between the Rio Bravo and
Colorado is not to be made nor the sum of [OMITTED] dollars
paid without the entire cession of the Floridas; nor any money
paid in consideration of the acknowledgment by Spain of
our title to the Territory between the Iberville and the Perdido.
But a proportional sum out of the [OMITTED] dollars
may be stipulated for a partial cession of territory Eastward
of the Perdido. If neither the whole nor part of East Florida
can be obtained, it is of importance that the United States
should own the Territory as far as the Apalachicola, and have
a common, if not exclusive right to navigate that stream.
I must repeat that great care is to be taken that the relinquishment


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by Spain of the Territory Westward of the Perdido
be so expressed as to give to the relinquishment of the
Spanish title, the date of the Treaty of St. Ildefonso.
The reason for this was before explained, and is strengthened
by recent information as you will find by the
annexed extract of a letter from Governor Claiborne.
Other proofs might be added. In any further cession of
Territory, it may be well so to define it, as to guard as
much as possible against grants irregular or incomplete,
or made by Spanish Officers in contemplation of such a

On entering into conferences with the Spanish Ministry,
you will propose and press in the strongest manner an agreement
that neither Spain nor the United States shall during
the negotiation strengthen their situation in the Territory
between the Iberville and the Perdido, and that the navigation
of the Mobille shall not be interrupted. An immediate
order from the Spanish Government to this effect, may be
represented as of the greatest importance to the good understanding
between the two countries; and that the forbearance
of the United States this long is a striking proof of their sincere
desire to maintain it. If such an order should be declined
you will not fail to transmit the earliest information
of it; as well as to keep up such representations to that Government
on the subject as will impress it with the tendency
of so unreasonable and unfriendly a proceeding, to drive the
United States into arrangements for balancing the military
force of Spain in that quarter and for exerting their right
of navigation thro' the Mobille. This navigation is become
important or rather essential, and a refusal of Spain to acquiesce
in it must commit the peace of the two nations to the
greatest hazard. The posture of things there is already
extremely delicate and calls for the most exemplary moderation
and liberality in both the Governments. As a proof of it,
I enclose a correspondence between Governor Claiborne and
the Spanish Government, at Pensacola, on the same subject


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with that of mine with the Marquis D'Yrujo already transmitted
to you.[18]

I have the honor to be &c

On July 18, 1804, he instructed Pinckney:

"The note of February 10 last from Mr. Cevallos [to Pinckney]
inclosed in that [Pinckney's] of Feby. 22d withdrawing the objection
of Spain to the transfer of Louisiana from France to the United States,
makes it proper that you should signify to the Spanish Government,
that altho for reasons sufficiently explained the Spanish Government
was considered by the United States as absolutely precluded from
interposing such an objection, the President receives with satisfaction
this act of justice and candor on the part of His Catholic Majesty."—
D. of S. MSS. Instr.