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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Page 288



XXXVIII. [From original MS. In possession of Mrs. Julia Clark Voorhis and Miss Eleanor Glasgow Voorhis.]

Dear Captain: Drewyer arrived here last evening from Tennissee
with eight men. I do not know how they may answer on experiment
but I am a little disappointed, in finding them not possessed of more of
the requisite qualifications; there is not a hunter among them. I send
you by Drewyer your cloaths portmanteau and a letter which I received
from St. Louis for you and which did not reach me untill an hour after
Floyd had set out. Drewyer and myself have made no positive bargain,
I have offered him 25$ pr. month so long as he may chuise to continue
with us. Among the party from Tennissee is a blacksmith and House-joiner
—these may be of service in our present situation. If two men
could be spared from building the hutts would it not be better to set
them at sawing of boards. Hennebury informed me that he would be
at Morrison's farm to-day or To-morrow, and that he knew a person in
the neighbourhood who had a whip-saw, and that he would go with any
person you might send to this gentleman and prevail on him to let us
have the uce of the saw. You can obtain corn for the horses by application
to Hennebury or any person who has the care of Morrison's farm.

I shall be obliged to go by St. Louis but will be with you as soon as

Adieu and believe sincerely your friend & obt. servt.
M. Lewis