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8th.. of April Monday 1805

Set out very early wind hard a head from the N.W. proceeded
on passed all the villages the inhabitants of which
flocked down in great numbers to view us, I took my leave
of the great Chief of the Mandans who gave me a par of excellent
mockersons, one canoe filed with water every thing in
her got wet 2/3 of a barrel of powder lost by this accident.

From the upper part of an island just below Marpar-} 
perycopatoo's camp to a point of wood land on the 
Stad. side passing a high bluff on the Lad. containing  N. 40°. W. 3 1/2 
many horizontal narrow stratas of Carbonate wood, 
some of which are sixty feet above the su[r]face of 
the water 

Camped on the S.S. opsd. a high bluff. an Indian Joined us,
also an Indian woman with a view to accompany us, the
woman was Sent back the man being acquainted with the
countrey we allowed him to accompanie us