University of Virginia Library


Page 262



XXVI. [Rough draft, on third page of the same sheet with Clark's letter to Lewis (doc. no. xxiv),
evidently the scheme of a letter to the President. A partial duplicate of this memorandum appears
again on the fourth page of the sheet, with date above it, "24th.. July."]

I had the Honor of receiving thro' Cap. Lewis an assurance of your
approbation and wish that I would join him in a N. W. Enterprise.

Altho' a Tour of this kind is [two words illegible] dificulties and
dangers I will chearfully join my F. Lewis in the accomplishment of
them, and shall arrange my business so as to be in readiness to set out
in a short time after he arrives here. May I request the favour of you
to forward the inclosed letter to Cap. Lewis should he not be with you?
May I have the pleasure of hering from you?

I am with respt.