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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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Page 17


An examination of the procedure followed in the construction
of the internal layout of the various buildings leads us
to the same conclusions. No building illustrates this fact
more persuasively than the Monks' Dormitory.

The Dormitory of the monks (fig. 60.A) accommodates a
total of seventy-seven beds. These are arranged in a
complicated pattern, resembling the letter U along the
two side walls, and the letter H (the U-pattern of the side
walls coupled) along the center of the building. One does
not have to look twice at this complex arrangement to
realize that it is impossible to distribute seventy-seven beds
in the manner just described within an area of such small
dimensions without a carefully calculated underdrawing.
Yet intricate as this layout is, the basic frame of reference
from which it was developed was ingeniously simple. It
consisted, most likely, of a simple grid of squares of the
type that I have reconstructed in figure 60.B, making use of
a measurement that serves as a basic unit value throughout
the entire Plan. In the development of the primary design
for such a layout, which must have been worked out before
the building was inked onto the original plan, such a
square grid may have been pressed into the parchment in
full detail. As the design was transferred to the master
sheet in the final assembly, there was no need to retrace
the square grid in its entirety, but a minimum of auxiliary
co-ordinates and prickings must, nevertheless, have been
laid down to enable the draftsman to fix the width and
length of each bed and to enter it in its proper place. Yet
nowhere in the interstices between the beds, on the Plan
of St. Gall, is there the slightest trace of such auxiliary
construction work. It is omitted from the internal layout of
the buildings shown on the Plan, and absent as well from
their external alignment.



Alignment of Mill, Mortar, and Drying Kiln


Page 18

13th century

[courtesy of Vienna Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Kupferstichkabinet]

The spiral depicting the stairwell in the southwest tower of Cologne
Cathedral was constructed with compass and straightedge against a
framework of auxiliary lines and reference points pressed into the
parchment with a fine stylus or silverpoint before the drawing was
inked—a procedure wholly different from the manner in which the
Plan of St. Gall was drawn. The only freehand parts of this drawing
are those which because of their intricacy of design were not feasible
to draw otherwise.

Figures 6 and 9 are details of the same drawing and are reproduced in this work
at the same size exactly as they were drawn on the original. Drafting at this scale of
fine detail is essentially a freehand operation.