University of Virginia Library

Monday 28th.. Oct. 1805.

the wind Seased the later part of last night, and began to
rain and rained moderately untill morning. then cleared off
we loaded up the canoes and Set out about 9 oClock the
wind raised and blew high from the west. we proceeded on
about 4 miles and halted at an Indian village of about 6 lodges
where we Saw an old Brittish musket and Sword, copper tea
kittles &c, we bought Several 5 fat dogs, Some root bread &c.
then proceeded on a Short distance further down the wind
rose So high from the west that caused the waves to roll So
that we thought it not Safe to proceed So we halted under a
clift of rocks on the Lard. Side. had Several Squalls of rain &
high [wind] all day. So we Camped for the night. one of
the party killed a Deer this evening, and wounded another
near a Small pond a Short distance back from the River a
nomber of the natives visited us &c.