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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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'Tis done! completed is the score,
Now, with the Band, I'll try it o'er.


Who a composer's joys can tell,
When with the Band his song goes well?
Who picture a composer's pains,
When wretched fiddlers mar his strains?
Now ‘Mr. Leader—sir in C---
Andante time—take it from me.
[Beats time.]
Tutti—together—one strong chord—
Bravo! delightful, on my word.
Now violino obligato—
[Violin solo.]
Non troppo presto, moderato!
Cantabile—this is the style.
There's a bar missing—rest awhile.
Now, then, I'll try it with my voice—
I ne'er wrote anything so choice!
[A false chord in the orchestra.]
Zounds, what a bull—do mind your cue—
There's five bars rest, there, Horns, for you.
Now, gentlemen, in common time,
For that best suits the Author's rhyme.
I must begin, or all 'twill mar,
Jnst as you close the second bar.
I'll count the time, you follow me—
Now—one, two, three, four—one, two, three!


Air—Away with melancholy.

Oh, music, art enchanting,
Sweet zest of every joy,
There's nought, if thou art wanting,
In life, but soon will cloy—
Without thy soft charm granting,
Our pleasures but annoy.


Zounds, music's wanting here, that's clear—
Oh, this would make an angel swear!
Trombone, you're a note too flat—
Fagotti—zounds, what are you at
Corni, the time completely mars—
All's wrong—try back the last eight bars!



Oh, music, art enchanting—


I do not hear the basso's there!