University of Virginia Library

Tuesday [Sunday] 19th of January 1806

This morning Sent out two parties of hunters, one party
towards Point adams and the other party up Ne tel River by
water. We were visited to day by two Clatsop men and a
woman who brought for Sale Some Sea Otter Skins of which
we purchased one gave in exchange the remainder of our blue


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beeds Consisting of 6 fathoms, and the same quantity of small
white beids and a knife. we also purchased a Small quantity
of train oil for a par of Brass arm bands, and a hat for Some
fishinghooks. these hats are of their own manufactory and are
composed of Cedar bark and bear grass interwoven with the
fingers and ornimented with various colours and figures, they
are nearly water proof, light, and I am Convinced are much
more dureable than either Chip or Straw, These hats form a
article of traffic with Clatsops an[d] Chinnooks who dispose of
them to the Whites, the form of the Hats is that which was
in voge in the UStates and Great Britain in 1800 & 1801 with
a high crown rather larger at the top than where it joins the
brim, the brim narrow about 2 or 2 ½ inches.

Several families of those people usially reside together in the
Same room; they appear to be the father mother with their
Sons and their Sons wives and children; their provisions
appears to be in common and the greatest harmoney appears to
exist among them. the old man is not always respected as the
head of the family that duty generally devolves on one of the
young men. They have seldom more than one wife, yet
plurality of wives are not denyed them by their Customs.
those families when associated [form] bands of nations each
acknowledgeing the authority of its own chieftains, who does
not appear to be herititary, or has power to extend further than
a mear repremand for any improper deportment of the indevidual;
the creation of a chief depends upon the upright conduct
of the individual his abiltity and disposition to render
Service to the comunity, and his authority and the defference
paid him is in extent equilibrio with the popolarity or volintary
esteem he has acquired among the individuals of his bands, or
nation. Their Laws like all uncivilized Indians consist of a
Set of customs which has grown out of their local Situations.

Not being able to Speak their language we have not been
able to inform ourselves of the existance of any peculiar customs
among them.