University of Virginia Library


Page 172

Monday 14th.. Oct. 1805.

a clear cold morning the wind high a head & west. we
took an eairly breakfast and Set out and proceeded on. as
usal the current mostly rapid about noon we went down a
verry bad rockey rapid the worst we have passd. in this River.
three of the canoes ran fast on a Solid rock at the head of the
rapids two on at a time and was in great dangr. of being lost.
one Struck a rock in the middle of the rapids and luckily
escaped being Stove. as luck would have it we all got Safe
down. a Small Island near the Lard. Side, in the rapids we
halted a little below to dine. two Indians are rideing down
the River, and have to ride verry fast to keep up with us. we
proceeded on verry well about 8 miles then came to a rockey
rapid at the head of an Island in which one of the canoes
under charge of Sergt. ordway ran fast on a Solid rock. they
got out on the rock and attempted to Shove the canoe off the
rock, but could not Start hir for Some time. the waves
dashed over hir bow So that when we got hir loose from the
rock She filled full of water and considerable of the baggage
and bedding washed out. one of the canoes below unloaded
and went to their assistance. took out Some of the loading.
the canoe then broke away from them and left 4 men Standing
on the rock. the water half leg deep over the Smooth rock
& rappid. a canoe Shortly went and took them off the rock,
and got all to Shore except a Small brass kittle & bowl, 2
mens robes & blankets 2 Spoons, one bag of root bread one
Shot pouch & powder horn a dressed Elk Skin and Some
other Small articles. we Camped below the rapids on Sd. Island
and put out all the wet baggage to dry. we found Some wood
on the Island covered up with Stones where the natives
burryed Sammon everry Spring. wood was So Scarse that we
made use of that which was covred So carefully with Stone.
we came [blank space in MS.] miles this day. the country
continues barron. Some places broken, other places high
Smooth plains &c. Some or one of the men killed 7 or 8
ducks today.