University of Virginia Library

Sunday 13th.. Oct. 1805.

a rainy wet morning. we delayed untill about 10 oClock
A. M. then took 2 of the canoes at a time down the rapids
all the men which could not Swim went by land and carried
Some rifles & Instruments &c. we got Safe below the rapids
by 12 oClock. dined on Sammon and proceeded over Several
more rapids the wind hard a head. cleard off about 2 oC.
P. M. we Saw Several Old camps where the natives fish in
the Spring, but no timber except what they raft down a long
distance, and they Scaffel it up verry carefully. towards
evening we came to a verry rockey place in the River &
rapid the River all confined in a narrow channel only about
15 yds.. wide for about 2 mile and ran as [s]wift as a mill tale
the canoes ran down this channel Swifter than any horse could
run. a great fishery below these rapids. Saw 2 Indians Swim
their horses across the River to the N. S. and follow down
the River they have to ride fast to keep up with us for the
current mostly rapid. the clifts & hills high plains & barrons
continues on each Side of the River as usal. we Came [blank
space in MS.] miles this day, and Camped on the Stard. Side.
passed a Creek on the Lard. Side this aftr..noon.