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27th. of January Sunday 1805

a fine day, attempt to Cut our Boat and Canoos out of
the Ice, a deficuelt Task I fear as we find water between the
Ice, I bleed the man with the Plurisy to day & Swet him,
Capt. Lewis took off the Toes of one foot of the Boy who got
frost bit Some time ago, Shabonoe our interpeter returned,
& informed that the Assiniboins had returned to their Camps,
& brought 3 horses of Mr. Larock's to Stay here for fear of
their being Stolen by the Assiniboins who are great rogues.[16]
cut off the boy['s] toes.


Larocque says that he sent his horses to the fort in accordance with Captain
Clark's offer to care for them with his own animals.—Ed.