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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Sunday 1st.. September 1805.

a fine morning we Set out as usal and proceeded on over
verry high mountains which was verry bad for our horses to
climb up and down them. passed across Several large creeks


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the water of which is verry cold. considerable of pine & cotton
timber on each of those creeks. we find a great pleanty of
Servis berrys which are verry Sweet and good at this time. in
the afternoon we descended a Mountain nearly as Steep as the
roof of a house. went down in to the valley in which runs
through a large Creek. passed by a plain near the Creek a
Short distance. Camped after coming 23 miles this day &
Camped a little before night on account of its raining. Some
of the men giged Several Sammon in the creek. three men
went down to the Mo. of it to purchase Some Sammon from a
camp of Indians who Stay at the mo. of the Creek to fish. they
bought about 25 pound with a fiew Small articles. the hunters
killed a Deer and wounded two bear at dark but could not get
them. the wild or choke cherrys abound in this bottom. we
gethered and boiled Some which eat verry well. a nomber of
Indian lodges along the creek. we had 2 at camp to Sleep in.
Several Small Showers of rain this day & a little Small hail.