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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Kao-tzŭ asked Mencius, "Now marriage is not a matter managed


by individuals, so how is it that the woman of Wei got a
section in the Odes?"[2]

Mencius said, "With the intentions of the woman of Wei it is
all right; without such intentions it would be carelessness. Like
I-yin's behavior toward T`ai-chia:[3] with the intentions of I-yin
it was all right; without such intentions it would have been
usurpation.[4] Now there are two [aspects] of the Way: the
unvarying aspect which is called constancy, and the changing
aspect called adaptation.[5] The one who, cherishing this unvarying
way, holds ready this [capacity for] change and adaptability
will succeed in becoming a sage. Now the woman of Wei in conduct
succeeded in being filial and in her solicitude became a saint.
If she was adaptable, what then?"

The Ode says,[6]

You disapproved of my [proposal],
And I cannot return [to Wei];
But I regard you as in the wrong,
And cannot forget my purpose.

LNC 3.4b-5a. D mistakenly quotes LNC 4.5a as a parallel, which begins, "The
daughter of the marquis of Ch`i. . . ." CHy cites a parallel from Mêng-tzŭ wai-shu 4.1b.


The commentators are not in agreement as to the identity of this "woman of
Wei"; however it seems reasonable to connect her with the woman mentioned in
Shih 88 No. 54/2 quoted at the end. Cf. LNC for a setting.


KTT 2.17b: "When T`ai-chia was in mourning, without understanding the way
[to be followed by] a filial son, he still wished to take charge of the government.
Thereupon I-yin sent him to live in T`ung, near to the grave of T`ang. He made
him dwell in a place of mourning, banishing him and not permitting him to have
charge of the government. After the three year's mourning was finished he brought
him back. It was by these means that he raised up li and held fast to his duty in
serving T`ai-chia. He led his prince to i and forced him to be filial. The true way
is such that none practicing it meet with resentment."


Cf. Mencius 467 (7A/31.3).


For [OMITTED] and [OMITTED] cf. Legge's note in Analects 226: [OMITTED] is "that which is always
and everywhere right," and [OMITTED] is "a deviation from that in particular circumstances,
to bring things right."


Shih 88 No. 54/2.