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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Clark, first draft:]
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[Clark, first draft:]

January 3rd. Friday 1806

The Sun rose fair this morning for the first time for Six
weeks past, the Clouds soon obscure it from our view, and
a Shower of rain Suckceeded. last night we had Sharp lightening
a hard thunder Suckceeded with heavy Showers of hail,


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and rain, which Continud with intervales of fair Moon Shine
dureing the night. Sent out Sergt. Gass & 2 men to the Salt
makers with a v[i]ew to know what is the cause of the delay
of 2 of our party Willard & Wiser who we are uneasy about,
as they were to have been back 6 days ago.

Friday the 3rd. January 1806

At 11 A. M. we were visited by our near neighbour Chief
or tiá Co mo wool alias Conia (Côné) and six Clatsops. they
brought for Sale Some roots berries and 3 Dogs also a Small
quantity of fresh blubber. this blubber they informed us they
had obtained from their neighbours the Cal lá mox who inhabit
the coast to the S.E. near one of their Villages a Whale had
recently perished. this blubber the Indians eat and esteem it
excellent food. our party from necescity have been obliged
to Subsist some length of time on dogs have now become extreamly
fond of their flesh; it is worthey of remark that while
we lived principally on the flesh of this animal we wer much
more helthy strong and more fleshey then we have been Sence
we left the Buffalow Country. as for my own part I have not
become reconsiled to the taste of this animal as yet. a Small
crow, the blue crested Corvus and the smaller corvus with a
white breast, the little brown ren, and a large brown Sparrow,
the bald Eagle, and the butifull Buzzard of the Columbia Still
continue with us, Send Sarjt. Gass and G. Shannon to the
Salt makers who are on the Sea Coast to the S.W. of us, to
enquire after Willard & Wiser who have not yet returned. R.
Field, potts & Collins the hunters who Set out on the 28th.
ulto., returned this evening after dark. they reported that they
had been about 15 miles up the river which falls into Merewethers
Bay to the East of us, and had hunted the Country
a considerable distance to East, and had proved unsucksesfull
haveing killed one Deer and a fiew fowls, bearly as much as
Subsisted them. this reminded us of the necessity of takeing
time by the forelock, and keep out Several parties while we
have yet a little meat beforehand. Capt. Lewis gave the Cheif
Cania a par of Sattin breechies with which he appeared much