University of Virginia Library

Wednesday 14th.. August 1805.

a clear cold morning. we did not Set out untill we took an
eairly breakfast. the 2 hunters Stayed out last night. the
water in the River is clear and Cold we are now drawing near
the Mountains. the upper part of the valley pleasant. passed
a Spring run or creek on S. Side a handsome valley Some distance
up it. Some Small timber on its Shores. about 10
oClock A. M. we came up to the hunters Camp. they had
killed 4 Deer & one antelope. we proceeded on the current
more rapid. obledged to hale the large canoes over Sholes &
rapids. the Shores & banks of the River Stoney. halted to
dine about one oClock at a dry part of the plain & fine groves
of cotten trees &c. proceeded on took on board a deer and a
goat which the hunters had hung on a limb of a tree. the


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current continues verry rapid all day. Capt. Clark killed a
buck and one of the men killed a faun Deer. we Came miles[1]
and Camped on the L. Side at the foot of the Mountains, on
the Smooth plain at the upper end of the valley.


Number omitted.—Ed.