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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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January 1st. 1806[37]

A List of the names of Sundery persons, who visit this part
of the Coast for the purpose of trade &c. &c. in large Vestles:


Page 306
all of which speake the English language &c. as the Indians inform
Moore  Visit them in a large 4 masted ship, they expect
him in 2 moons to trade. 
I Eyd [one-eyed] Skellie  in a large ship, long time gorn. 
Youin  In a large Ship, and they expect him in 1 moon
to trade with them. 
Swepeton  In a Ship, they expect him in 3 month back to
Mackey  In a Ship, they expect him back in 1 or 2
Moons to trade with them. 
Meship  In a Ship, the[y] expect him 2 moons to trade. 
Jackson  Visit them in a Ship and they expect him back
in 3 months to trade. 
Balch  In a Ship and they expect him in 3 months to trade. 
Mr. Haley  Visits them in a Ship & they expect him back to
trade with them in 3 Moons to trade. he is
the favourite of the Indians (from the number
of Presents he gives) and has the trade
principally with all the tribes. 
Washilton  In a Skooner, they expect him in 3 months to
return and trade with them—a favourite. 
Lemon  In a Slupe, and they expect him in 3 moons to
trade with them. 
Davidson  Visits this part of the coast and river in a Brig
for the purpose of Hunting the Elk returns
when he pleases he does not trade any, kills a
great many Elk &c&c
Fallawan  In a Ship with guns he fired on & killed several
Indians, he does not trade now and they doe
not know when he will return, well done 

[Another draft of the above by Clark, found in Codex I.—Ed.]

A List of the Names as given by the India[n]s of the Traders
Names and the quallity of their Vessels which they Say Visit
the mouth of the Columbia 2 [times] a year for the purpose of
Tradeing with the nativs, and from their accounts Spring and


Page 307

Mr Haley their favourite Trader visits them in a 3 Masted Vessel
Youens Visits in a 3 Masted Vessle

Tallamon  d°  d°  d°  no trade 
Swiption  d°  d°  d°  Trader 
Moore  d°  d°  d°  d° 
Mackey  d°  d°  d°  d° 
Washington  d°  d°  d°  d° 
Meship  d°  d°  d°  d° 
Davidson  d°  d°  d°  Hunts Elk 
Jackson  d°  d°  d°  Trader 
Bolch  d°  d°  d°  d° 
Skelley has been along time gorn  one Eye 
Callallamet  d°  Trader has a wooden Leg. 


This list is found on three pages toward the end of the Clark-Voorhis field