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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Page 299

Monday 30th. December 1805

Hard wind and Some rain last night. this morning the Sun
Shown for a Short time. four Indians came down from the
Warciacum village, they offered us roots which we did not
think proper to accept of as in return they expect 3 or 4 times
as much as the roots as we could purchase the Roots for, and
are never satisfied with what they receive, those 4 Indians
& these that came yesterday Stayed all day. Drewyer returned
and informed that he had killed 4 Elk at no great distance off,
a party of 6 men was imediately dispatched for the meat, and
returned at Dusk with the 4 Elk. we had a Sumptious Supper
of Elks tongues & marrow bones which was truly gratifying.
our fortification is completed this evening and at Sun
set we let the nativs know that our Custom will be in future,
to Shut the gates at Sun Set at which time all Indians must
go out of the fort and not return into it untill next morning
after Sunrise at which time the gates will be opened, those of
the Warciacum Nation who are very fo[r]ward left the houses
with reluctianc[e] this day proved to be the fairest and best
which we have had since our arrival at this place, only three
Showers dureing this whole day, wind the fore part of the