University of Virginia Library

December 27th.. Friday 1805.

rained last night as usial and the greater part of this day,
the men complete Chimneys & Bunks to day, in the evening
a Chief and 4 men come of the Clotsop nation chief Co-ma-wool
we sent out R. Fields & Collins to hunt and order
Drewyer, Shannon & Labiach to set out early to morrow to
hunt, Jo Fields, Bratten, & Gibson to make salt at Point
Addams, Willard & Wiser, to assist them in carrying the
Kittles &c. to the Ocian, and all the others to finish the Pickets
ani gates, worm weather I saw a Musquetor which I showed
Capt. Lewis Those Indians gave is [us], a black root they call
Shan-na-tâh-que a kind of Licquirish which they rost in embers


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and call Cul-ho-mo, a black berry the size of a Cherry & Dried
which they call Shel-well—all of which they prise highly and
make use of as food to live on, for which Capt Lewis gave
the chief a cap of sheep skin and I his Son, ear bobs, Pice of
riben, a pice of brass, and 2 small fishing hooks, of which they
were much pleased, Those roots & berres, are greatfull to
our Stomcks as we have nothing to eate but Pore Elk meet,
nearly spoiled; & this accident of spoiled meet, is owing to
warmth & the repeeted rains, which cause the meet to tante
before we can get it from the woods. Musquetors troublesom