University of Virginia Library

July 18th.. Thursday 1805.

a clear pleasant morning. we Saw Some Mountain Sheep
on a verry high precipice which is nearly Steep from the river
up 2 or 3 100 feet. we Set out about Sun rise and proceded
on about 3 miles passed the mouth of a River about 100 yds..
wide at the mouth it came in on the N. Side and run Strong.
one mile further up Capt. Clark killed an Elk Saw a nomber
more. we Saw a flock of Mountain Rams on the Side of the
Mountain on S. Side with verry large horns. Capt. Clark killd.
one. we went near them before they run from us. the mountains
appear not So high ahead, but another range seen a long
distance above which appear much higher than any we See in
this range and Some we allow to be 700 feet high the pitch
& yallow pine continues Scatering along these mountains &c.
Capt. Clark & his Servant york & 2 other men Set out to go
up one or two days travel by land. we proceded on with the


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canoes verry well. towards evening we passed a Small River
on N. S. about 60 yds.. wide named [blank space in MS.] River.
the mountains continue but not So high as yesterday. we
came 19 ½ miles and Camped in a narrow bottom on the S.
Side. considerable of flax in this bottom half seded. we took
on board Some deer meat & a Skin which Capt. Clark killed.