University of Virginia Library

14th.. of October Sunday 1804.—

Some rain last night all wet & cold, we Set [out] early the
rain contind. all Day, at [blank in MS.] miles we passed a (1)
Creek on the L.S. 15 yards wide this Creek we call after
the 3rd. Chief Piaheto (or Eagles feather) at 1 oClock we
halted on a Sand bar & after Dinner executed the Sentence of
the Court Martial so far a[s] giveing the Corporal punishment,
& proceeded on a fiew Miles, the wind a head from
N.E. Camped in a Cove of the bank on the S.S.[38] imediately
opposit our Camp on the L.S. I observe an antient
fortification the Walls of which appear to be 8 or 10 feet high,
(most of it washed in) the evening wet and disagreeable, the
river Something wider more timber on the banks.

The punishment of this day allarmd. the Indian Chief verry
much, he cried aloud (or effected to cry) I explained the
Cause of the punishment and the necessity (of it) which he
(also) thought examples were also necessary, & he himself had
made them by Death, his nation never whiped even their
Children, from their burth.


Page 194

Courses & Distance & reffurences.—14th.

S. 70 W.  Mls. to a pt. on the L.S. the Same course continud 2 Ml. to a bend
N. 63°. E.  Mls. to the pt. on the S.S. passd a Creek on the
L.S. (1)
N. 30°. W.  1 1/2  Ml. to a large Tree on the L.S. 
N. 40°. E.  1 1/2  Mls. some trees on the S.S. 
N 60°. W.  Mls. to a pt. on the L.S. Passing 
N. 70°. W.  3  Miles to a point on the S.S. passed an antient fortification
on the L.S.

In North Dakota, close to 46°, at a creek now called Thunder-hawk. Piaheto
is now Blackfoot Creek.—Coues (L. and C., i, p. 168).