Catalogue of the University of Virginia | ||
There are two classes in this School, one of Anatomy and Surgery,
the other of Physiology.
In the former the lectures are illustrated by the demonstration of
wet and dry anatomical preparations, by the use of the splendid
anatomical plates of Bourgery and Jacob, and especially by dissection
of fresh subjects with which the School is abundantly
A full course of lectures on Anatomy is completed before the
course on Surgery is commenced, each course embracing a term of
about four and a half months.
In the lectures to the class on Physiology are considered the
functions of the various organs of the body, the mode in which
they are accomplished and the influence of external agents, as well
as of the reactions of the organs on each other, whether as healthy
vital stimuli or as sources of disease. The Professor aims to
adapt his lectures in this class to the wants of the unprofessional
student, who may desire to include in a course of liberal education
In both classes the students are subjected to rigid examinations
on the lectures and occasionally on portions of some approved
text book.
Books recommended:
On Anatomy: any one of the treatises in the subjoined list:
Goddard's Wilson's Anatomy—Horner's Special Anatomy and
Histology—Pancoast's Wistar's Anatomy—Pattieson's Cruveilhier's
On Surgery: Druitt's Modern Surgery and Miller's Principles
of Surgery.
On Physiology: Carpenter's Elements of Physiology or Human
Physiology by the same author.
Catalogue of the University of Virginia | ||