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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Clark, first draft:]

December 19th.. Thursday 1805.

Some rain with intervales of fair weather last night, The
morning clear and wind from S.W. I despatched Sjt. Pryer
with 8 men in 2 canoes across the bay for the boa[r]ds of an
Indian house which is abandoned, the other part of the men
continue to doe a little at the huts, the after part of the day
cloudy with hail & rain, Sgt. Pryer and party returned with 2
canoe loads of Boards, two Indians came & stayed but a short


Page 286

Thursday 19th. December 1805.

Some rain with intervales of fair weather last night, this
morning Clear & the wind from the S.W. we dispatched Sjt.
Pryor with 8 men in 2 Canoes across Meriwethers Bay for the
boards of an old Indian house which is vacant, the residue of
the men at work at their huts. the after part of the Day cloudy
with Hail and rain, Serjt Pryor & party returned in the evening
with a load of old boards which was found to be verry indifferent
2 Indians Cam[e] and Stayed a Short time to day.