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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Shên-t`u Ti[2] thought he was born out of his time,[3] and was
about to cast himself into the River. Ts`ui Chia learning of this
stopped him, saying, "I have heard that [the function of] the
saintly man and the humane gentleman between Heaven and
Earth[4] is to be father and mother to the people. Now is it right
not to come to the rescue of a drowning man by reason of [fearing]
wet feet?"[5]

Shên-t`u said, "Not so. [Of old][6] Chieh by putting Kuan Lung-fêng
to death, and Chou by killing the Prince Pi-kan, lost their
empires. Wu by killing Tzŭ-hsü, and Ch`ên by killing Hsieh Yeh,
had their states destroyed. Therefore the loss of a state or the
destruction of a family is not [caused by] a lack of saints and
sages, but it is the result of not using them." Whereupon embracing
a stone, he sank into the River.

When the superior man hears of this he says, "He was scrupulous
indeed, but as to his being jên, this I have yet to see."[7]
The Ode says,[8]


So it is!
Heaven has done it;—
What then shall I say?

Cf. Hsin hsü 7.13b-14a.


Po t`ieh 2.40a, Ch`u hsüeh chi 6.13a have [OMITTED] for [OMITTED]. Both are read t`u. (Chao


[OMITTED]: Po t`ieh 2.41a has [OMITTED].


I. e., in the world.


Emend [OMITTED] to [OMITTED] as in Hsin hsü and TPYL 61.3b (CHy); Ch`u hsüeh chi,
loc. cit.,
likewise, with [OMITTED] for [OMITTED] before [OMITTED]. Chou and Chao agree. In discussing
this passage, Chu Ch`i-fêng (TT 2271) mentions another quotation (Lei-chü 8.11b)
which has [OMITTED]. (Chao.)


CHy adds [OMITTED] from TPYL, Ch`u hsüeh chi, loc. cit. Lei-chü, loc. cit., also has
[OMITTED], and Hsin hsü has [OMITTED].


Cf. Analects 276 (14/2.2).


Shih 65 No. 40/1.