University of Virginia Library

Sunday the 15th. December 1805

I set out early with 16 men and 3 canoes for the Elk, proceed
up the River three Miles and thence up a large Creek
from the right about 3 miles [to] the hite of the tide water
drew up the canoes and all hands went out in three different
parties and brought in to the Canoe each Man a quarter of
Elk, I sent them out for a Second load and had Some of the
first Cooked against their return, after eateing a harty diner


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dispatched the party for a third and last load, about half the
men missed their way and did not get to the Canoes untill
after Dark, and Sergt. Ordway Colter, Colins Whitehouse d
Mc.Neal Staid out all night without fire and in the rain.
Cloudy all day Some rain in the evening.