University of Virginia Library

2nd of October Tuesday 1804—

a Violent wind all night from the S. E. Slackened a little and
we proceeded on Mr. Jon Vallie Came on board and proceeded
on 2 Miles with us, a verry Cold morning Some black Clouds
flying took a Meridian altitude & made the Lattitude 44°
19′ 36″. North this was taken at the upper part of the gouge
of the Lookout bend, the Sentinal heard a Shot over the
hills to the L. S. dureing the time we were Dineing on a large
Sand bar. the after part of this day is pleasant, at 2 oClock
opposit a Wood on the L. S. we observed Some Indians on a
hill on the S. S. one Came down to the river opposit to us
and fired off his gun, & beckend. to us to Come too, we
payed no attention to him he followed on Some distance,
we Spoke a few words to him, he wished us to go a Shore
and to his Camp which was over the hill and Consisted of 20
Lodges,[17] we excused our Selves advised him to go and here
our talk of Mr. Durion, he enquired for traders we informed
him one was in the next bend below. & parted, he returned,
& we proceeded on (1) passed a large Island, on the S.S.
here we expected the Tetons would attempt to Stop us and
under that idear we prepared our selves for action which we
expected every moment. opsd. this Island on the L. S. a Small
Creek Coms in, This Island we call Isd. of Caution[18] we took
in Some wood on a favourable Situation where we Could


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defend our Men on Shore & (2) Camped on a Sand bar 1/2 a
Mile from the main Shore the Wind changed to the N. W.
& rose verry high and Cold which Continud. The Current
of the Missourie is less rapid & Contains much less sediment,
of the Same Colour.


Gass says (p. 68) : "He said he belonged to the Jonkta or Babarole band,"
probably referring to the Yankton.—Ed.


Now Plum Island.—Ed.