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December 8th.. Sunday 1805.

a cloudy morning, I took 5 men and set out to the See to
find the nearest place & make a way to prevent our men getting
lost and find a place to make salt, steered S. 62°. W at 2
miles passed the head of a Brook runing to the right, the lands
good roleing much falling timber, lofty Pine of the Spruce kind,
& some fur, passed over a high hill & to a creek which we kept


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down 1 ½ miles and left it to our right, saw fish in this creek
& Elk Bear tracks on it, passed over a ridge to a low
marshey bottom which we crossed thro water & thick brush
for ½ a mile to the commencement of a Prarie which wavers,
covered with grass & Sackay commis, at ½ crossed a marsh
200 yds wide, boggey and arrived at a creek which runs to the
right. Saw a gange of Elk on the opposit side below, rafted
the creek, with much dificulty & followed the Elk thro emence
bogs, & over 4 small knobs in the bogs about 4 miles to the
South & killed an Elk, and formed a camp, covered our selves
with the Elk skins, the left of us Bogs & a lake or pond
those bogs shake, much cramberry growing amongst the moss.
Some rain this evening we made a harty supper of the Elk &
hung up the bale.