University of Virginia Library

Saturday 25th May 1805.

a clear pleasant morning. we waited for the 2 canoes to
come up. about 7 oC. they came. then we Set off and proceeded
on. passed 2 creeks on the N. S. and one large one on
the S. S. passed 2 Small Islands before noon about 12 oC.
we passed a large handsom large Island covered with handsom
c. wood timber, near the N. S. Saw Several Eagles nests.
passed high bluffs & knobs and hills partly covred with pitch
pine timber on each Side of the R. the wind blew from the
N. W. about 3 oClock we halted to dine on a beautiful level
thin timbred Island near the N. S. of the River. Capt. Clark
and one man who walked on Shore joined us had killed two
Mountain Sheep, one a yew the other a ram. the ram had
large horns which turned back of a gradual taper, they have
the resemblence of our Sheep only fine brownish hair in Stead
of wool. they were poor and not as large as the natives represented,
but these are the first we have killed. about 4 oC.
P. M. we proceeded on the current has been verry Swift for
Several days. we passed river hills as usal. passed Several
Creeks in the course of the day. Came 18 miles to day and
Camped on the S. S. little above a high handsom Island in the
river mostly prarie only a little large timber at the upper end
of it. Gibson one of the hunters putt one of his Shoulders out
of place to day but got it in again.