University of Virginia Library

Saturday 18th.. May 1805.

a clear warm morning. one of the party killed a rattle
snake. another caught a beaver. about 7 oC. we Set [out]
and proceeded on. passed Some narrow bottoms of timber &
covered with rose bushes. about 10 oC. clouded up and began
to rain. we had Several Small Showers. about 12 oC capt.
Clark killed a fat deer. we halted to dine and dry our Selves
at a large bottom covered with timber on N. S. this bottom
is filled with buffaloe Elk Deer &c one of the party killed 2
Elk. another killed a beaver. about 2 we proceeded on the
weather cleared up and we had a pleasant afternoon the River
water is gitting clear and gravelly bottom &c. we came 19
miles and Camped at a Smooth high bottom on S. S. N. B.
(Capt. Clark killed three deer)