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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Clark, first draft:]
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[Clark, first draft:]

December 3rd.. Tuesday 1805.

a fair windey morning wind from the East, the men sent
after an Elk yesterday returnd. with an Elk which revived the
sperits of my men verry much, I am unwell and cannot eate,
the flesh O! how disagreeable my situation, a plenty of meat
and incap[ab]le of eateing any. an Indian canoe came down
with 8 Indians in it from the upper village, I gave a fish hook
for a fiew Wap-e-to roots, which I eate in a little Elk supe,
The Indians proceeded on down, wind continues to blow, and
Serjt. Pryor & Gibson who went to hunt yesterday has not
returnd. as yet I marked my name & the day of the month
and year on a large Pine tree on this peninsella & by land
"Capt William Clark December 3rd. 1805. By Land. U. States
in 1804–1805" The squar Broke the two shank bones of
the Elk after the marrow was taken out, boiled them & extracted
a Pint of Greese or tallow from them. Serjt. Pryor &
Gibson returned after night and informed me they had been
lost the greater part of the time they were out, and had killed
6 Elk which they left lying haveing taken out their intrals.
Some rain this afternoon


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Tuesday 3d. December 1805.

a fair windey morning wind from the East the men returned
with the Elk which revived the Spirits of my party
verry much. I am still unwell and can't eate even the flesh of
the Elk. an Indian Canoe of 8 Indians Came too, those
Inds. are on their way down to the Clât-sops with Wap pa to to
barter with that Nation, I purchasd. a fiew of those roots for
which I gave Small fish hooks, those roots I eate with a little
Elks Soupe which I found gave me great relief I found the
roots both nurishing and as a check to my disorder. The Indians
proceeded on down through emence high waves maney
times their Canoe was entirely out of Sight before they were ½
a mile distant. Serjt. Pryor & Gibson who went hunting
yesterday has not returned untill after night, they informed
me that they had killed 6 Elk at a great distance which they
left lying, haveing taken out their interals, that they had been
lost and in their ramble saw a great deel of Elk Sign. after eateing
the marrow out of two shank bones of an Elk, the Squar
choped the bones fine boiled them and extracted a pint of
Grease, which is Superior to the tallow of the animal. Some
rain this evening I marked my name on a large pine tree imediately
on the isthmus William Clark December 3rd. 1805.

By Land from the U.States in 1804 & 1805.