University of Virginia Library

Wednesday 8th.. May 1805.

we Set off eairly. clouded up and rained Some the current
Swift. we proceeded on under a fine breeze from the East,
20 mls.. by about 1 oClock then we passed the mouth of a
River on N. S. about 200 yards wide and verry deep. it is
2100 miles from the mouth of the Missourie R. to the mouth
of this River. we named this River Scolding or milk River.
we halted on the point above the mouth to dine. Some men
went a Short distance up this River. one of them killed a
deer. about 2 oClock we proceeded on passed handsom
bottoms thinly covered with timber on the River and high
beautiful high plains on the N. S. and River hills on the S. S.
Came 27 miles this day and Camped on a timbred bottom on
the S. S. one man killd. a beaver. we Saw a Great deal of
beaver Sign all Sorts of Game on each Side R.[iver]