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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 52



Since the date of my last which was May 24 I have received
your several letters of Arpil 11, 13 & 17 & May 12th. As
they relate almost wholly to the subject which was happily
terminated on the 30th of April a particular answer is rendered
unnecessary by that event, and by the answer which
goes by this conveyance to the joint letter from yourself and
Mr. Monroe of the 13th of May. It will only be observed
first that the difference in the diplomatic titles given to Mr.
Monroe from that given to you, and which you understood
to have ranked him above you was the result merely of an
error in the Clerk who copied the document and which escaped
attention when they were signed. It was not the intention
of the President that any distinction of grade should
be made between you. Indeed, according to the authority
of Vattell the characters of Minister Plenipotentiary and
Envoy Extraordinary are precisely of the same grade, altho'
it is said that the usage, in France particularly, does not correspond
with this idea. Secondly, that the relation of the
First Consul to the Italian Republic, received the compliment,
deemed sufficient in the answer to a Note of Mr. Pichon,
communicating the flag, of that Nation. A copy of the
communication and of the answer are now inclosed.

The boundaries of Louisiana seem to be so imperfectly
understood and are of so much importance, that the President
wishes them to be investigated wherever information is
likely to be obtained. You will be pleased to attend particularly
to this object as it relates to the Spanish possessions
both on the West and on the East side of the Mississippi.
The proofs countenancing our claim to a part of West Florida
may be of immediate use in the negotiations which are to take
place at Madrid. Should Mr. Monroe have proceeded thither
as is probable, and any such proofs should after his departure


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have come to your knowledge, you will of course have transmitted
them to him.

You will find by our Gazettes that your memorial drawn
up about a year ago on the subject of Louisiana, has found
its way into public circulation. The passages in it which
strike at G. Britain have undergone some comments, and will
probably be conveyed to the attention of that Government.
The document appears to have been sent from Paris, where
you will be able no doubt to trace the indiscretion to its

No answer has yet been received either from you or Mr.
Monroe to the diplomatic arrangement for London and Paris.
The importance of shortening the interval at the former, and
preventing one at the latter, makes us anxious on this point.
As your late letters have not repeated your intention of returning
home this fall, it is hoped that the interesting scenes
which have since supervened may reconcile you to a longer
stay in Europe.

I have the honor, &c