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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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November 24th Sunday 1805.

a fare morning. sent out 6 hunters and Detained to make
the following observations i. e.

Took time dis. & azomith of the Sun A M.

Time  Diste azmth
h. m. s. 
8 33 20  22° 16′ 30″  S 64°. E. 
8 37 48  23 19 45  S 63°. E. 
8 41 35  24 13 0  S 62° E 

Equal altitudes with Sextant

H. m s  h m s 
A.M. 8 53 5.5  P.M. 
" 55 33  (lost) 
" 58 3 

Altitude produced [blank space in MS.]

observed Time & Distance of Sun & Moons nearest Limbs Sun
West P M


Page 246

Time  distance 
h. m. s. 
2 42 11  40° 32′ 45″ 
" 43 38  40 33 15 
" 44 53  " 33 30 
" 46 9  " 34 15 
" 47 29  " 34 30 
" 48 53  " 34 45 
" 51 29  " 35 15 
" 52 50  " 35 30 
" 54 00  " 36 00 
" 55 38  " 36 15 

Several of the Chennook N. came, one of them brought an
Sea otter skin for which we gave some blue Beeds. This day
proved to be fair and we dried our wet articles bedding &c. The
hunters killed only 1 brant no Deer or any thing else

Observed time and Distance of Moons [blank space in MS.] Limb
an a pegasi Star East *P. M.

Time  distance 
h m s 
6 16 46  67° 56′ 30″ 
" 19 29  " 54 15 
" 25 39  " 50 45 
" 28 20  " 50 15 
" 31 53  " 48 30 

The old chief of Chinn-nook nation and several men &
women came to our camp this evening & smoked the pipe

[A vote of the men, as to location of winter quarters.—Ed.][2]

Sergt J. Ordway  cross & examine 
Serjt. N. Pryor  d° d° 
Sgt. P. Gass  d° d° 
Jo. Shields  proceed to Sandy R 
G. Shannon  examn. cross  falls 
T. P. Howard  d° d°  falls 


Page 247

P. Wiser  d° d°  S.R. 
J. Collins  d° d°  S. R 
Jo. Fields  d° d°  up 
Al. Willard  d° d°  up 
R. Willard  d° d°  up 
J. Potts  d° d°  falls 
R. Frasure  d° d°  up 
Wm. Bratten  d° d°  up 
R. Fields  d° d°  falls 
J: B: Thompson  d° d°  up 
J. Colter  d° d°  up 
H. Hall  d° d°  S. R. 
Labeech  d° d°  S. R. 
Peter Crusatte  d° d°  S R 
J. P. Depage  d° d°  up 
Shabono  —  — 
S. Guterich  d° d°  falls 
W. Werner  d° d°  up 
Go: Gibson  d° d°  up 
Jos. Whitehouse  d° d°  up 
Geo Drewyer  Exam other side  falls 
Mc. Neal  d° d°  up 
York  "  "  lookout 
falls  Sandy River  lookout up 
10  12 

Janey [Sacajawea?—Ed.] in favour of a place where there is plenty
of Potas.

Cp. L & F Proceed on to morrow & examine The other side if
good hunting to winter there, as salt is an objt. if not to proceed on to
Sandy it is probable that a vestle will come in this winter, & that by
proceeding on at any distance would not inhance our journey in passing
the Rockey Mountains, &c.

W C. In favour of proceding on without delay to the opposit shore
& there examine, and find out both the disposition of the Indians, &
probibilaty of precureing subsistance, and also enquire if the Tradeing
vestles will arrive before the time we should depart in the spring, and if
the Traders, comonly arive in a seasonable time, and we can subsist
without a depends. on our stores of goods, to continue as the climent
would be more favourable on the Sea Coast for our naked men than


Page 248
higher up the countrey where the climate must be more severe. The
advantage of the arival of a vestle from whome we can precure goods
will be more than an over ballance, for the bad liveing we shall have in
liveing on Pore deer & Elk we may get in this neighbourhood.[3] If we
cannot subsist on the above terms to proceed on, and make station
camps, to neighbourhood of the Frendly village near the long narrows &
delay untill we can proceed up the river. Salt water I view as an evil
in as much as it is not helthy. I am also of opinion that one two or
three weeks Exemination on the oppo[site] side if the propects are any
wise favourable, would not be too long

Variation of the Compass is 16′ East


Gass tells us (p. 245) that the commanders held a consultation with their men as
to the location of their quarters. The present statement is apparently the vote taken
on this occasion.—Ed.


Coues thinks (L. and C., ii, pp. 720, 721) that Jefferson might have been
expected, in ordinary circumstances, to send a ship to the Columbia River, to meet
the expedition; but that he preferred not to risk giving possible offence to Spain by
such action.—Ed.