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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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The abbot was responsible for the novices' food and
clothing. He had to provide them with fish, milk, and butter
and even with meat on the days of the higher religious
feasts. The younger boys received larger portions than the
adolescents. From the age of fifteen on, the novices renounced
meat entirely and their diet conformed to that of
the regular monks.[276] Once each week, or at least once a
month, the youths were taken out into the open for games
and other forms of physical exercise.[277] A complete account
of their clothing is given by Adalhard of Corbie:

These are what should be given to our aforesaid clerical canons who
have the special title of "knockers": in clothing, two white tunics
and a third of another color and four hose, two pairs of breeches,
two felt slippers, four shoes with new soles costing seven pence at
the cobblers, two gloves, two mufflers. These they receive every
year, but a cope of serge and fur and a mantle or bedcloth, or a
blanket, in the third year. All these should be taken from the
clothing which the brothers return when they receive new. And
they should select from the stock those garments which they think
are most useful to them. The other cowled garment—the tunic or
the cowl of serge from which the tunic can be made—will be issued
at the discretion of the prior.[278]

Adalhard also informs us that at Corbie some novices
were attached for special duty to other buildings: three to
the infirmary, one to the monks' laundry, and one to the
abbot's house.[279]


Expositio Hildemari, ed. Mittermüller, 1880, 418.


Ibid., 419.


Consuetudines Corbeienses, chap. I, 4, ed. Semmler, Corp. cons. mon.,
I, 1963, 371-72: "Haec sunt quae clericis nostris canonicis suprascriptis
qui spetialiter pulsanti dicuntur dari debent: De uestimento tonicas duas
albas et tertiam de alia colore et caligas quattuor, femoralia duo, soccos
filtrinos duos, calciarios quattuor cum solis nouis exceptis denariis septem ad
caltiamentum, uantos duos, muffolas duas: haec omni anno, cappam uero
de sago et pellitiam, cottum aut lectarium siue sagum in tertio anno accipiant.
Ista omnia de illo uestimento debent accipere quod fratres reddunt dum
accipiunt nouum. Et talia de his eligantur illis qualia inueniri possunt
utiliora. Ceterum capelle, hroccus siue cuculla de sago unde hroccus fieri
possit ad arbitrium prioris erit.
" Cf. Jones, III, Appendix II.


Consuetudines Corbeiensis chap. 2, ibid., 366; Jones, III, Appendix
II, 103.