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Certain amendments to the 1966 Board Manual were proposed. As required by Sections 5.8 and 2.34 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors, 1966 the Executive Committee unanimously approved the proposed amendments at its meeting on April 7, 1972, and notice of the proposed amendments were included in the regular notice of the meeting sent to each member of the Board.

The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that, the necessary notice having been given and the views of the Executive Committee having been obtained, the following amendments to the Manual of the Board of Visitors, 1966 be and they are hereby approved:

The changes affecting George Mason College are to be effective March 1, 1972, and those affecting Mary Washington College are to become effective July 1, 1972.

On page 10, delete from Section 2.4, "Mary Washington, George Mason and" so that it will read as follows:

(24) the election, with the concurrence of the President, the chief local administrative officer of Clinch Valley College, this officer having the title of Chancellor, and being directly responsible to the President.

On page 12, Section 3.2 delete from the list of Standing Committees Mary Washington College Committee so the list reads as follows: The Finance Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Student Affairs and Athletics Committee, Educational Policy Committee, and Medical Committee.

On page 15, delete Section 3.26, The Mary Washington College Committee.

On page 20, Section 4.22 Subsection 4 change Subsection 4 to read:

he shall have the power to establish and modify as he deems necessary the internal administrative structure of the University and shall appoint, or provide for the appointment of, all administrative officers except for the Chancellor of Clinch Valley College, making a report of his actions thereon to the Board at the next regular meeting.