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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Of old T`ien Tzŭ-fang went out and saw an old horse on the
road. Sighing compassionately, he fixed his attention [on the
horse] and asked the driver, "What horse is this?"

"It was formerly kept by the ducal house. It was worn out
and of no use, so they turned it out."

T`ien Tzŭ-fang said, "To use up its strength when it was young,
and cast it out[2] when old is not what the humane (jên) man
would do." He bought [the horse] with rolls of silk. When gentlemen
in extremity heard of this they knew whom to give up their
hearts to.

The Ode says,[3]

T`ang was not born too late,
And his wisdom and virtue daily advanced.

Huai-nan tzŭ 18.18a-b is nearly identical.


[OMITTED]. Li Shan's com. on Wên hsüan 14.2b, 28.23a has [OMITTED] for [OMITTED]. (CHy.)
Lei-chü 93.1b, TPYL 486.1a, Chih-yao 8.28a, Po-t`ieh 29.58b all have [OMITTED], of which
[OMITTED] is a variant. Huai-nan tzŭ has [OMITTED]. (Chao 209.)


Shih 640 No. 304/3.