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White Catfish Camp 10ms. above Platt 27th of July Friday,—

a small Shower of rain this morning, at 10 oClock Commence
Loading the Boat & perogue, had all the ores completely
fixed; Swam over the two remaining horses to the
L. S. with the view of the Hunters going on that Side, after
getting everry thing complete, we Set Sale under a gentle
breeze from the South and proceeded on, passed a Island
(formd. by a Pond fed by Springs) on the L. S. of high Land
covered with timber, in the 2nd. bend to the right a large Sand
Island in the river a high Prarie on the S. S. as we were Setting
out to day one man Killed a Buck & another Cut his
Knee verry bad. Camped in a Bend to the L. Side in a
coops [copse] of Trees, a verry agreeable Breeze from the
N. W. this evening. I killed a Deer in the Prarie and found
the Musquitors so thick & troublesom that it was disagreeable
and painfull to Continue a moment still.

Course & Distance, refrs. July the 27th.

North  1 1/2  Ms. to a willow pt. on the L. S. 
West  Ms. to Sand pt. on S. S. opsd. a pond L. S. 
N. 10°. E.  Ms. to pt. of W. L. S. psd. a large Sd. bar in the middle
of the river 
N. 8° W.  Ms. to a pt. on S. S. opsd. Some Mounds [Ottos village
old Ayauwaus v.] on the L. S. psd. Bluff S. S. 
N. 54° E.  4 1/2  Ms. to a pt. of wood land in a bend on L. S. psd. a 
15  pt. S. S. 

I took one man R. Fields and walked on Shore with a view
of examoning Som Mounds on the L. S. of the river those


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Mounds I found to be of Different hight Shape & Size, Some
Composed of sand some earth & Sand, the highest next to
the river all of which covered about 200 acres of land, in a
circular form, on the Side from the river a low bottom &
small Pond. The Otteaus formerly lived here I did not get
to the boat untill after night.