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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Saturday 22nd.. Sept.

Set off eairly a foggy morning. passed Some timber on
S.S. high plains on N. S. about 3 oC we passed a ceeder


Page 61
Isld. one of the 3 Sister [s] where Mr. Louisell had built a fort
of ceeder. it is pickeded in 65 or 70 feet Square a Sentery
box at the 2 angles corners the pickets are 13 ½ feet above
Ground. in this Square he built a house 45 ½ by 32 ½ feet
divided into 4 equal parts, one for a common hall one to trade
in and one for a famaly house. opposite this Drewyer &
Shields came to us with the horse. they had killed Several
deer and one white wolf. passed a creek & Isd. of the 3 Sisters
proceeded on passed an old Indian Camp where we found
Some of their dog poles, they answer us for Setting poles.
the reason that they are called dog poles is that they tye them
to their dogs & they hall their baggage &c. from one Camp
to another. we Camped on the N. S.