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July 1st.. Sunday 1804

a Small allarm last night all prepared for action, Set out
early this morning passed on the North Side of Dimond
Island, a Small Creek mouths opposit, I call Biscuit Creek,
a large Sand bar in the middle of the river 1 1/2 Ms. above the
Isd. covered with Drift wood, river fall a little, the wind
from S. W. Came to above this Drift and delayed three
hours to refresh the men who were verry much over powered
with the heat, Great quantitys of Grapes & raspberries, (2)
passed a Small Creek on the L. S. below one large and two
small Islands. This Creek and Isds. are called Remore (or
Tree Frog) a large Pond on the S. S., the main current of
Water run'g on the L. S. of the Island, I am told that three
years ago the Main Current run on the S. S. of the Island
and no appearance of the two Smaller Islands, Camped on
the lower point of one of the two large & 2 Small Isds. Called
Isles des Parques or field Isl'ds[60] a high butifull Prarie on
the L. S. one of the french hands Says "that the french kept
their cattle & horses on those Islands at the time they had in
this quarter a fort & trading establishment.


Page 64

Course Distance & refs. July 1st

N. 62°. W.  1 1/2  Ms. on the S. Side of the Isd
N. 40°. W  1/4  Ml. do   do   do 
N 28°. W  3/4  Ml. to pt. on L. S. psd. the Isd
N. 45°. W  3 1/2  Ms. to a pt. on S. S. psd. Drift 
N 32°. W  1 1/2  Ml. to a creek (2) L. S. 
N 58 W  2 1/2  Ms. to pt. L. S. pst. the head of Isd
N. 42 W.  1 1/2  Ms. to a pt. on S. S. 
N. 27 W.  1/2  Ml. to pt. of Field Isd. prarie L. S. 

paccaun [pecan—Ed.] Trees Seen on the S. S. Deer and
turkeys in great quantities on the bank


Nearly opposite Leavenworth, Kans.—Coues (L, and C., i, p. 36).