University of Virginia Library

November 3rd.. Sunday 1805.

The fog so thick this morning we did not think it prudent
to set out untill 10 oClock we set out and proceeded on
verry well, accompanied by our Indian friends. This morning
Labich killed 3 Geese flying Collins killed a Buck. The water
rose [figure erased] Inches last night the effects of tide. The
Countrey has a handsome appearance in advance no mountains
extensive bottoms. the water shallow for a great distance
from shore. The fog continued thick untill 12 oClock, we
coasted and halted at the mouth of a large river on the Lard.
Side, this river throws out emence quantitys of sand and is
verry shallow, the narrowest part 200 yards wide bold current,
much resembling the river Plat,[3] several Islands about 1 mile
up and has a sand bar of 3 miles in extent imedeately in its
mouth, dischargeing it[s] waters by 2 mouths, and crowding
its corse sands so as to throw the Columbian waters on its


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Nothern banks, & confd. it to ½ m1 in width Passed a small
Prarie on the Stard. Side above, a large creek opposit 2k sand
River on the Stard. Side, extensive bottoms low hilley
Countrey on each side (good wintering Place) a high peeked
mountain suppose to be Mt. Hood is on the Lard Side S. 85° E.
40 miles distant from the mouth of quick Sand river.

Course Nov. 3d.

West  miles to the upper mouth of quick Sand river, countrey
low on each side riseing to a hilley countrey passed a
large creek opposit Std. Side & 2 sand bars
S. 70°. W.  miles to the upper point of a large Island covered with
[blank space in MS.] passed the Lower Mouth of
Sandy river at 3 Miles opposit the head of a large
Island Std Side faced with rocks and the side is pine &
cotton a large creek falls in opposit to the head of
this Island—Isld of Fowls as I saw some 1000 pass
over—on the Stard Side passed some ruged rocks in
the middle of the river opposit the Island. river wide
The Countrey below quick Sand river on the Lard.
Side is low, Piney Countrey. Passed the lower point
of the Island at 3 ½ miles long & 1 ½ wide. emence
quantity of Geese, Brants, Ducks & sea otters, some
of the large & small kind of Swan & Sand hill cranes,
also Luns & white gulls
S. 87°. W.  miles on the North Side of the Island and Encamped we
met 2 canoes of Indians 15 in number who informed
us they had seen 3 Vestles 2 days below us, we
camped on the Island, and sent out hunters on it and
Capt Lewis walked out, after Dark Capt Lewis with 3 men went into a large Pond on this Island & killed
a swan & several ducks. The Party killed this day 3
swan 8 Brant, & 5 Ducks. The canoe was borrowed
of the Inds. here & taken over by 4 men into the pond.
I gave the Indians a Brant to eate. 


Now Sandy River, draining the western slope of Mount Hood.—Ed.