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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by Mr. W. H. Williams, at Sadler's Wells. Music sold by John Duncombe and Co. 10, Middle Row, Holborn.

Hark! oh, hark! how merrily the trumpets sounding,
Buz and humming, hail the coming, of the Judges grave!
Clerks and others, learned brothers, noisily the mob surrounding,
Town Attornies, on their journeys, to destroy and save!
See attendants, poor defendants, for assault and battery;
Angry plaintiffs, who maintain tiffs, foolish fellows all;
Counsel pliant, wealthy client, lots of legal flattery,
Still, though steady, getting ready for th' Assizes Ball!’

Prose text has been omitted here.


Sad attendants, poor defendants, for assault and battery;
Angry plaintiffs, who maintain tiffs, foolish fellows all;
Counsel pliant, wealthy client, lawyers full of flattery,
Drown disquiet, in the riot, of th' Assizes Ball!
Vestris' goddess! our Opera's Terpsichore!
Aid me this to celebrate, thy greatest feat of all;
Paris ballets, what are they but pic-nic-ery,
When, we at th' Assizes give our County Ball?
Then is the time for fashion grace, gentility,
Elegance and attitude, agility and style;
Learned brothers, commoners, arts, sciences, nobility,
And county members meeting with a gracious smile!

Prose text has been omitted here.


This is the place for fashion, grace, gentility,
Elegance and attitude, agility and style,
Learned brothers, Commoners—Arts, Sciences, Nobility!
And county Members meeting with a gracious smile!
Malthus' musty problems on our over population,
With its tales of ruin to the ground must fall,
Audience, or party, assembly, congregation,
See yourselves outnumber'd at the County Ball!
That is the place for crowding, mobbing multitudes,
Pressing beaux and dressing belles, a very motley show,
Folks of every sort and style in all their different altitudes,
All figuring and sniggering on the light fantastic toe!

Prose text has been omitted here.


Malthus' musty Problems on our over Population,
With its tales of ruin to the ground must fall,
Audience or party assembly congregation,
See yourselves outnumbered at the County Ball!