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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Page 150

October 23d. Wednesday 1805

a fine morning, I with the greater part of the men crossed
in the canoes to opposit side above the falls and hauled them
across the portage of 457 yards which is on the Lard. Side and
certainly the best side to pass the canoes, I then decended
through a narrow chanel of about 150 yards wide forming a
kind of half circle in it[s] course of a mile to a pitch of 8 feet
in which the chanel is divided by 2 large rocks, at this place
we were obliged to let the Canoes down by strong ropes of
Elk Skin which we had for the purpose, one Canoe in passing
this place got loose by the cords breaking, and was cought by
the Indians below. I accomplished this necessary business
and landed Safe with all the canoes at our Camp below the
falls by 3 oClock P. M. nearly covered with flees which were
so thick amongst the Straw and fish Skins at the upper part
of the portage at which place the nativs had been Camped
not long since; that every man of the party was obliged to
Strip naked dureing the time of takeing over the canoes, that
they might have an oppertunity of brushing the flees of[f]
their legs and bodies. Great numbers of Sea Otters in the
river below the falls, I shot one in the narrow chanel to day
which I could not get. Great numbers of Indians visit us
both from above and below. one of the old Chiefs who had
accompanied us from the head of the river, informed us that
he herd the Indians Say that the nation below intended to kill
us. we examined all the arms &c. complete the amunition to
100 rounds. The nativs leave us earlyer this evening than
usial, which gives a Shadow of confermation to the information
of our old Chief, as we are at all times & places on our
guard, are under no greater apprehention than is common.

we purchased 8 Small fat dogs for the party to eate; the
nativs not being fond of Selling their good fish, compells us
to make use of Dog meat for food, the flesh of which the
most of the party have become fond of from the habits of
useing it for Some time past. The altitude of this day 66°. 27′.
gave for Latd. 45°. 42′. 57. 3/10 N.

I observed on the beach near the Indian Lodges two butifull
canoes of different Shape & Size to what we had Seen


Page 151
above wide in the midd[l]e and tapering to each end, on the
bow curious figures were cut in the wood &c. Capt. Lewis
went up to the Lodges to See those Canoes and exchanged
our Smallest canoe for one of them by giveing a Hatchet &
few trinkets to the owner who informed that he purchased it
of a white man below for a horse, these canoes are neeter
made than any I have ever Seen and calculated to ride the
waves, and carry emence burthens, they are dug thin and
are suported by cross pieces of about 1 inch diamieter tied
with Strong bark thro' holes in the Sides. our two old chiefs
appeared verry uneasy this evening.